

Excerpt Below: Gaza is but one front in a wider Iran-Israel conflict that is already shifting northward to Lebanon. Recent senior Israeli warnings suggest a full-scale war between Israel and Iran’s powerful proxy Hezbollah is becoming more a question of when and

Why So Many ‘Day After’ Plans for Gaza Amount to No Plan at All

Ever since the Israel-Hamas war erupted, and even during the most hopeless stretches, smart people have been complaining that there’s no plan for Gaza once we reach the “day after” — that still-TBD moment when the fighting ends and the

JINSA hosted a webinar discussing the latest regional developments in Israel’s multi-front war against Iran’s proxies, including Israel’s successful June 8 rescue operation which freed four Israeli hostages from captivity in central Gaza.

Despite growing Chinese investment in Israel’s economy, China has clearly demonstrated that its interest in Israel is purely instrumental and subordinate to its global ambitions of supplanting the United States on the world stage. Since October 7, China has calculated