
JINSA’s 2004 Counter-Terror Conferences in California, Minnesota and Florida

Three two-day counter-terrorism conferences, sponsored and underwritten by JINSA, are being held across the United States for local law enforcement officials this week. The conferences, a project of JINSA’s Law Enforcement Exchange Program (LEEP), have received the support and cooperation of the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) and the Major County Sheriff’s Association (MCSA). The conferences address counter terrorism and best practice procedures with emphasis on suicide bombings.

Three two-day counter-terrorism conferences, sponsored and underwritten by JINSA, are being held across the United States for local law enforcement officials this week. The conferences, a project of JINSA’s Law Enforcement Exchange Program (LEEP), have received the support and cooperation of the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) and the Major County Sheriff’s Association (MCSA). The conferences address counter terrorism and best practice procedures with emphasis on suicide bombings.

To date, the conferences represent the largest counter-terrorism cooperative training enterprise ever to take place between the U.S. and Israel.

At each conference, six Israeli counter-terrorism professionals made presentations. Their topics included:

  • Identifying and Understanding the Enemy
  • The Intelligence Process: an Overview
  • Intelligence Sharing and Source Development
  • The Relationship Between Law Enforcement and Private Security
  • Biological Threats and Responses
  • Suicide Bombings: Methodology and Responses
  • The Mind of the Suicide Bomber
  • Managing the Coordinated Response to Acts of Terrorism

The first two of the seminars were held October 18-19 in Garden Grove (Orange County), California and October 21-22 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The third will take place October 24-25, in Orlando, Florida.


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