Analysis & Commentary

Analysis & Commentary

On July 25, The Jerusalem Post reported that former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert suddenly decided to cancel a scheduled visit to Switzerland. The reason for this decision was not a scheduling conflict, or a health emergency, or any of the

American policymakers might be forgiven for losing focus on one of the world’s vital strategic crossroads. For much of the past three decades, the Eastern Mediterranean has effectively been a backwater for U.S. national security. But profound geopolitical transformations once

U.S. special operations forces are adored by politicians and the public, their reputations burnished by feats like the raid on Osama bin Laden, the sea rescue of the Maersk Alabama’s captain and countless other daring operations against high-value targets around the

Lesson Learned in Bahrain

Some Washington Mid-East experts have criticized the Trump administration’s recent Bahrain economic workshop for Middle East peace. Critics have accused the White House of engineering a Marshall Plan instead of forging a political peace deal between Israel and the Palestinian