Analysis & Commentary

Analysis & Commentary

Myths, Facts, and Wishful Thinking in Responding to Palestinian Violence By Maj. Gen. (res.) Yaakov Amidror The series of terrorist attacks throughout the Sukkot holiday, especially the brutal murders of a Jewish couple in Samaria and two Jewish men in

What Next?

It’s been two weeks since a majority of Congress sought to register its disapproval of the Iran deal but fell short of the votes necessary to break a filibuster or override a presidential veto, and most politicians and commentators have

The EMP Threat Is Real and Growing By Dr. Bryan Gabbard and Amb. Robert Joseph Ongoing crises make it difficult for policymakers to devote sufficient attention to electromagnetic threats, which are less prominent but potentially catastrophic. Events that reflect our

On September 9, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell cited the new JINSA-commissioned Iran Strategy Council Report on the floor of the Senate during a speech about the Iran deal: “The Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs, in an assessment of