Analysis & Commentary

Analysis & Commentary

The American-born jihadist Omar Hammami, who became a leader in the Somali Islamist terrorist organization al-Shabaab, once observed: “The war of narratives has become even more important than the war of navies, napalm, and knives.” Although Hammami himself met his

The US military must be prepared to confront hybrid threats, best defined as non-state entities equipped with advanced weapons normally associated with conventional militaries. These non-state entities routinely co-locate command centers and other military targets in urban environments and deliberately

When the Laws of War Kill

Terrorist groups like Hamas know exactly how to manipulate international law to their advantage. The laws of war are intended to limit conflict and minimize casualties. But what happens when terrorists use these same laws to expand conflict and kill

A Fair Judge for Israel is Needed for Hamas War in Gaza

While a United Nations panel stages a guilt-before-the-evidence probe of Israel’s conduct in last summer’s Gaza war, a task force of retired U.S. generals is warning American commanders never to do what Israel did — pull their punches. The biggest