Analysis & Commentary

Analysis & Commentary

The U.S. Army’s recent acquisition of two Iron Dome short-range air defense batteries from Israel provides a much-needed solution to one of America’s critical security needs. While Israel financed the development of the first two Iron Dome systems, the United States provided

The use of human shields is among the most heinous violations of international law – and a favored tactic of Hezbollah, as recent events have once again illustrated. An arms depot belonging to the Shiite terrorist group exploded in a

Last week, Reuters reported that, should Joe Biden win the presidency in 2020, he would be willing to either reenter the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) — the Iran nuclear deal — or renegotiate a conciliatory deal with

Last week’s ceasefire in Libya might have seemed almost inconceivable just a few months ago. Yet hard work remains to translate this positive step into something more durable—both for Libyans most affected by the fighting and for stability in a