Analysis & Commentary

Analysis & Commentary

PA and Hamas Try to ‘Coronawash’ Their Own Corruption

We are in the midst of a global health crisis unlike any we have faced in our lifetime. A pandemic has filled the future with uncertainty and the world community is scared, but even dark times have a silver lining.

There are four factors to consider when weighing action against the coronavirus: public health, preservation of the economy, civil rights, and the international and regional context. National decision-making must take all four of these elements into account, with emphases shifting

The coronavirus pandemic has shifted priorities that animated nations only weeks ago, severely disrupting daily life and the global economy. As Israel struggles to contain the outbreak, its military must reckon with the dramatic changes unfolding at home and across the volatile

It is difficult to predict what lasting impact the coronavirus pandemic will have on the Middle East, a region long beset by entrenched military, political and economic crises. Yet the outbreak is clearly already heightening uncertainty and exacerbating internal tensions