

The US hands China the Middle East — at its own peril

On Sunday, just days after Saudi Aramco publicized a multibillion-dollar investment in China’s petrochemical industry, Saudi Arabia and its OPEC+ partners announced a surprise cut to oil production. Alongside the recent China-brokered agreement for Iran and Saudi Arabia to resume

Washington Experts Debate on Possible ‘Freeze-for-Freeze’ Iran Deal

WASHINGTON – The news about a possible “freeze-for-freeze” understanding between Washington and Tehran, first reported by Axios on Monday, immediately sparked a debate between experts who are closely following the discussions about the possibility of reviving the 2015 nuclear agreement. Dennis

President Biden’s Budget Request

President Joe Biden’s Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 budget request calls for $886 billion in defense spending, in what Secretary Austin calls “the most strategy-driven request we’ve ever produced” to focus on confronting the pacing challenge from the People’s Republic of

It is time for the United States to acknowledge the obvious: it is engaged in an ongoing – albeit low-level – armed conflict with Iran. That doesn’t mean we are in a “war” with Iran. It does mean, however, that