

A New Middle East

During a series of lectures and talks in several European countries about the impact of the Abraham Accords on the region, a member of the European Union’s parliament told me, “The truth is that we do not understand what is

Iran Tries to Steal U.S. Maritime Drone

Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) made the brazen attempt to capture a U.S. unmanned surface vessel (USV) overnight on August 29. Another example of Iran’s increased regional aggression against U.S. targets, this marks the first time Iran targeted Task

Recent Iranian reports indicate the nuclear deal negotiated by the Biden administration would lift over 170 sanctions imposed on Iran by executive order prior to President Biden submitting the deal to Congress. This is technically permitted under the relatively permissive

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is rapidly raising the strategic profile and potential of Alexandroupolis, a once-overlooked Greek town on the northern Aegean Sea adjacent to Turkey and Bulgaria. Emblematic of Greece’s growth as an energy hub and U.S. security partner, Alexandroupolis