

Featuring: IDF MG (ret.) Yaakov Amidror JINSA Distinguished Fellow IDF BG (ret.) Michael Herzog International Fellow, Washington Institute Erielle Davidson JINSA Senior Policy Analyst

The tradition of assessing presidential administrations at the 100 day mark is homage to FDR and the power of the presidency to combat the Great Depression. It is totally arbitrary, of course, and in many ways has become a lazy

By Renewing Palestinian Aid, America Is Funding Terrorism

Capt. Taylor Force was an Eagle Scout, a West Point graduate who served multiple tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, and an all-around terrific young man. In 2016, on a university study trip to Israel, he was murdered by a Palestinian

Drowning in crises, Lebanon now galvanized to solve offshore gas row with Israel By LAZAR BERMAN Looking out from the limestone cliffs of Rosh Hanikra, the tiny “island” of Tekheilet is barely visible, a rocky outcropping just barely kissing the