

President Donald Trump will nominate Hudson Institute President and CEO Ken Weinstein to be the next U.S. ambassador to Japan, the White House announced on Friday afternoon. Bio: Weinstein is a member of Kesher Israel Synagogue and a past board

Lebanon, a perpetually fragile state suffering from new political and economic crises, is again seeking international assistance. The new Lebanese prime minister even admitted Lebanon was unable to pay its debt. Previous efforts at stabilization have largely failed. To avoid

Five years ago last week, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed a joint meeting of Congress about the nuclear deal then taking shape with Iran (the JCPOA). The speech remains controversial. Deal supporters still complain that the then-speaker of the House and the

Protests throughout Iran show that some of the biggest threats to the Iranian regime are its own policies. The Trump administration has drawn attention to these abuses through powerful sanctions. However, the United States has several other tools to exploit