

This week Congress will vote on the Trump administration’s proposal to sell the United Arab Emirates (UAE) highly advanced F-35 combat aircraft. We are leaders of the Jewish Institute for National Security of America (JINSA), an organization which fervently believes

Washington Post Mentions JINSA Webinar on Biden Foreign Policy

Insight into the Biden foreign policy agenda from a key player By Jennifer Rubin Avril Haines, who would become the first woman to be named director of national intelligence, co-chaired with Eric S. Edelman, the former U.S. ambassador to Turkey,

Where does Iran’s nuclear weapons program stand now? By Hollie McKay As the dust settles following the assassination of Iranian nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh last Friday, the international community is once again forced to confront the troubling question of where

Iran Will Wait to Avenge Assassination of Top Nuclear Scientist By DIMA ABUMARIA Iran has vowed to respond to the killing near Tehran of its top Iranian nuclear scientist, Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, saying there are “serious indications of an Israeli role”