Report: US, Israel need to deepen strategic cooperation to fight Chinese aggression Israel and America must have a comprehensive, cooperative strategy for protection against Chinese economic exploitation and intellectual property theft, concludes a report released on Monday by the Gemunder…
JINSA: Center of gravity is US perception of Israel’s-China relations By OMRI NAHMIAS WASHINGTON – The Jewish Institute for National Security of America (JINSA) recently hosted a webinar on Chinese investments in Israel and the challenge they pose to the…
Xi Jinping recently pledged to the World Economic Forum that China will “uphold multilateralism.” Rather than “realizing sustainable development,” however, Xi’s version of multilateralism leads to severe negative consequences. U.S. policymakers are already working to protect the U.S. economy from…
Featuring: ADM Jonathan W. Greenert, USN (ret.) Co-Chair, JINSA’s Israel-China Policy Project; Former Chief, Naval Operations (CNO, 2011-2015) VADM John M. Bird, USN (ret.) Co-Chair, JINSA’s Israel-China Policy Project; Former Commander, U.S. Seventh Fleet BG (Res.) Assaf Orion Director of…