

Jordan Will Gain Nothing From Confrontation Against Israel

One of the greater concerns over Israel’s application of sovereignty to the Jordan Valley is that the move will undermine mutually beneficial Israeli-Jordanian cooperation. Jordan’s King Abdullah II has substantiated some of the worry, declaring earlier this year that if

Featuring the report’s authors and advisors: Michael Makovsky, PhD President & CEO Steven Rosen Senior Fellow, Gemunder Center for Defense & Strategy IDF MG (ret.) Yaakov Amidror Distinguished Fellow, Gemunder Center for Defense & Strategy IDF MG (ret.) Yaacov Ayish

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is showing no sign of backing off his vow to annex of vast stretches of the West Bank by July 1, despite outcry from international leaders, including Arab powers who say the move will usher in violence

The American peace team, headed by US special Middle East envoy Avi Berkowitz, will begin meeting with senior Israeli officials on Sunday to examine Israel’s sovereignty initiative in parts of Judea and Samaria and the Jordan Valley. Berkowitz, who arrived