

What Rhodes Revealed

Sunday’s New York Times Magazine story by David Samuels on President Obama’s deputy national security advisor Ben Rhodes has created quite a stir. It’s not every day that a senior White House official brags about how the administration has successfully

Iran is back at its old game — testing boundaries and provoking its neighbors and the West — this time through a spate of recent ballistic missiles launches. In response, Secretary of State John Kerry spoke last week of offering

On Tuesday, April 5, JINSA’s Gemunder Center for Defense and Strategy hosted a conference call to discuss the findings and recommendations of the latest Gemunder Center Iran Strategy Council report on how the United States can mitigate the negative strategic

The Costanza Approach

In a famous episode of Seinfeld, George Costanza concludes that every instinct he’s had, every decision he’s made, has been wrong and that he should henceforth do the opposite of what he had routinely been doing. He implements this new