The Gaza Futures Task Force produced a short proposal describing its plan to establish an International Trust for Gaza Relief and Reconstruction that it has been briefing to senior Middle East and U.S. officials since early January 2024. Click here…
JINSA’s Israel at War webpage is a dedicated resource for analysis, commentary, webinars, and media coverage about the 10/7 attacks and the ensuing Israel-Hamas conflict. JINSA will release the Swords of Iron Update on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. An update…
JINSA’s Israel at War webpage is a dedicated resource for analysis, commentary, webinars, and media coverage about the 10/7 attacks and the ensuing Israel-Hamas conflict. JINSA will release the Swords of Iron Update on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. An update…
A joint project of JINSA and The Vandenberg Coalition, this Gaza Futures Task Force convened a group of former U.S. national security officials who served in both Republican and Democratic administrations to assess the impact of the October 7 terrorist…