

Featuring: Michael Makovsky, PhD JINSA President & CEO Amb. Eric Edelman JINSA Gemunder Center Counselor; Co-Chair, JINSA’s Iran Policy Project John Hannah JINSA Senior Fellow Blaise Misztal JINSA Vice President of Policy

 Keynote: Representative Elaine Luria (D-VA) U.S. Rep. Elaine Luria represents Virginia’s Second Congressional District Panel of JINSA Experts: GEN Charles Wald, USAF (ret.) Former Deputy Commander of United States European Command (EUCOM) Lt Gen Robert Ashley, Jr., USA (ret.)

Watch Webinar: Israel’s Iron Dome

 Featuring: IDF MG (ret.) Yaacov Ayish JINSA Senior Vice President of Israeli Affairs Lt. Gen Henry Obering, USAF (ret.) A member of JINSA’s U.S.-Israel Security Project Blaise Misztal JINSA Vice President of Policy

John Hannah is a Senior Fellow at JINSA’s Gemunder Center for Defense and Strategy