

Featuring: Charles Perkins JINSA Director for U.S.-Israel Security Policy Jonathan Ruhe JINSA Director of Foreign Policy

Watch Webinar on Biden Syria Policy

Featuring: Ambassador James Jeffrey Former Special Representative for Syria Engagement Michael Mulroy Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for the Middle East Sinam Mohamad Co-Chair, U.S. Mission of the Syrian Democratic Council Blaise Misztal JINSA Vice President for Policy

Featuring: General Charles Wald, USAF (ret.) JINSA Distinguished Fellow Jonathan Ruhe JINSA Director of Foreign Policy Michael Makovsky, PhD JINSA President & CEO

Featuring: Natan Sharansky Chairman, Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy (ISGAP) Gil Troy, PhD Distinguished Scholar, McGill University Michael Makovsky, PhD JINSA President & CEO