Policy Projects >> Gaza Futures Task Force

Gaza Futures Task Force

A joint project of JINSA and The Vandenberg Coalition, this study convenes a group of former U.S. national security officials who served in both Republican and Democratic administrations to assess the impact of the October 7 terrorist attack and strategies for establishing a post-Hamas future for Gaza that advances the interests of the United States, its key partners, the Palestinian people, and the cause of long-term stability and peace in the Middle East.


  • Members

  • Policy Project Reports

  • Executive Summary

  • Action Proposal

  • Press Release

  • Analysis and Commentary

  • Media Coverage

Policy Project Members

John Hannah

Randi & Charles Wax Senior Fellow; Former Assistant for National Security Affairs to the Vice President

Steve Price

CEO, 25 Madison; Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense

Lewis Libby

Former White House, Pentagon, and State Department National Security Official; Member, Vandenberg Advisory Board

Emily Harding

Director, Intelligence, National Security, and Technology Program, Center for Strategic & International Studies; Member, Vandenberg Advisory Board

Rob Danin

Principal, Georgetown Global Strategies; Middle East Counselor, Dragoman

Gary Ginsberg

Partner, 25Madison; Former Senior Executive at News Corporation, Time Warner, and SoftBank

Elliott Abrams

Senior Fellow for Middle East Studies at Council on Foreign Relations

Amb. Eric Edelman

Distinguished Scholar; Co-Chair, Iran Policy Project and Eastern Mediterranean Policy Project, Former Under Secretary of Defense for Policy

Action Proposal

Media Coverage

RealClearPolitics - June 30, 2024
by Peter Berkowitz and
POLITICO - June 12, 2024
by Nahal Toosi and
The New York Times - March 19, 2024
by Bret Stephens and
The National Review - March 1, 2024
by Zach Kessel and
The Jewish Insider - March 1, 2024
by Marc Rod and
Commentary - February 29, 2024
by Seth Mandel and