Analysis & Commentary

Analysis & Commentary

On February 12 it was announced that Israeli Defense Forces executed a daring raid to rescue two of their citizens held hostage in Gaza.  Considering recently released accounts of the brutality of life as a hostage, estimates that perhaps more

With U.S. strikes against Iran-linked targets on Feb. 2, President Biden attempted to fulfill his vow to “hold all those responsible to account” for a Jan. 28 drone attack on a U.S. outpost in Jordan by Iran-backed militia that killed

Last Friday the International Court of Justice ordered provisional measures against Israel in response to a complaint brought by South Africa under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. While the ruling does not require Israel to desist from further

One of the most common accusations of Israeli illegality in the ongoing conflict in Gaza is that the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) consistently inflicts disproportionate civilian harm, what international humanitarian law defines as indiscriminate attacks. Launching an indiscriminate attack does,