In a World in Crisis, Balancing U.S. Priorities is an Imperative Rapprochement between Armenia and Azerbaijan may be on the horizon. On February 28, it was reported that Germany hosted the foreign ministers of Armenia and Azerbaijan for two days…
What is next for Gaza? With or without a hostage deal, the best hope for peace depends on continuing along the path endorsed by President Biden after Hamas’s Oct. 7 attack: destroy Hamas’s military and governance capabilities, prevent its ability to threaten Israel again, and deal a defeat to Iran’s “axis of resistance.” Such hopes won’t be realized by military means alone.…
Hamas commits the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust. Hundreds of civilians from Gaza actively participate in the slaughter. Spontaneous celebrations erupt from Khan Yunis to Ramallah. Washington’s preferred partner, the Palestinian Authority (PA), has yet to condemn the…
Time is a precious commodity in Israel’s fight against Hamas terrorists. As Israel prepares to enter Hamas’s final stronghold, Rafah, the United States should ensure Israel has as much time as it needs to fully defeat Hamas. Fighting terrorists who…