Analysis & Commentary

Analysis & Commentary

Despite President Joe Biden’s intent to reduce America’s focus on the Middle East and the war on terror, an enormous amount of his administration’s foreign policy bandwidth during its first year was consumed by the region’s problems—from restraining Iran’s nuclear program and

For the third time in two weeks, Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen on Monday attacked the United Arab Emirates with ballistic missiles — this time during the first-ever visit by an Israeli president. On Wednesday, three drones claimed by a pro-Iran militia in

Why Has Biden Stopped Pushing for Arab-Israeli Peace?

The historic Arab-Israel normalization agreements of 2020, known as the Abraham Accords, were an extraordinary triumph of U.S. diplomacy. More than a quarter century after Israel’s last peace deal with one of its Arab neighbors, the United States brokered four

Over the past two decades information was mostly conceptualized as a supporting effort to combat: information contributed to tactical and operational success. Given today’s immediately interconnected world, the character of war is changing with the blurring of the lines between