Analysis & Commentary

Analysis & Commentary

Sudan’s Normalization With Israel Is a Win for Everyone

Sudan announced last month that it had signed an agreement with the United States to initiate the process of normalizing relations with Israel. Despite fears of domestic pushback, normalization with the Jewish state is in the best interests of Sudan,

After only a month in office, it’s far too early to draw broad conclusions about President Joe Biden’s approach to Iran. But one thing is clear: The Iran deal will be at the center of the political and policy debates

President Joe Biden appeared tough on Sunday, refusing Iran’s demand to lift U.S. sanctions until Tehran again complies with the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). But this is simply a tactical dispute. The real story is that by already

The race to create a coronavirus vaccine was a contest for not just technological bragging rights, but geopolitical superiority. As the most recent National Defense Strategy and National Security Strategy emphasize, the United States must “out-innovate” competitors, like China, if