

Xi Jinping recently pledged to the World Economic Forum that China will “uphold multilateralism.” Rather than “realizing sustainable development,” however, Xi’s version of multilateralism leads to severe negative consequences. U.S. policymakers are already working to protect the U.S. economy from

Featuring: ADM Jonathan W. Greenert, USN (ret.) Co-Chair, JINSA’s Israel-China Policy Project; Former Chief, Naval Operations (CNO, 2011-2015) VADM John M. Bird, USN (ret.) Co-Chair, JINSA’s Israel-China Policy Project; Former Commander, U.S. Seventh Fleet BG (Res.) Assaf Orion Director of

U.S. Offered to Inspect Israel’s Haifa Port Due to China’s Involvement By Amos Harel Washington is concerned that Chinese company’s presence could provide an opening for technological surveillance of what goes on at the port, including collecting information about joint

Perhaps belatedly, the United States has realized that protecting its national security against Chinese threats also requires protecting its economic vitality, particularly in the form of its intellectual property. Thus, U.S. policymakers have begun to scrutinize, discourage, or even block