

Iran Nuclear Talks Update 3/16

A new nuclear agreement with Iran once again looks imminent in the wake of three key developments in the last 24 hours: Russia said it’s received the guarantees it asked for and is ready to agree to a deal; The

U.S. Must Support East Med Energy Security

The Biden administration’s abrupt decision in January to withdraw support for the EastMed Pipeline, which would deliver Israeli and Cypriot natural gas to Europe via Greece upon completion in 2025, has been proven misguided by momentous events following Putin’s illegal

Iran Nuclear Talks Update 3/15

Nuclear negotiations with Iran have been on hold since Friday, when EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell tweeted “a pause in #ViennaTalks is needed.” The pause stems from Russia’s sudden demands last week – for guarantees that its trade with

An Airlift Could Save Ukraine

The Wall Street Journal – by John Hannah and Douglas Feith  Russian forces are encircling Kyiv, and U.S. intelligence says the Ukrainian capital could run out of food and water in days. Having refused to establish a no-fly zone, President Biden needs more