

US Must Exert Leadership to End Libyan Conflict

Ruptures in Libya’s already fractured politics could cause the country to further spiral out of control only a month after the warring sides agreed to a ceasefire. After protests against appalling living conditions, the interim government aligned with Khalifa Haftar’s Libyan National

The Road to a War Within NATO

Given everything that’s happened this year, and now that we’ve filled the “double hurricane” box, perhaps it wouldn’t be that surprising to see “armed conflict within NATO” as the winning square on our 2020 bingo card. This is precisely what

Is Trump looking for a pre-election fight with Iran? – analysis By Yonah Jeremy Bob The US will attempt to start playing a fascinating high-stakes game this weekend, only six weeks from Election Day. Starting on Saturday, the US appears

Featuring: Ambassador Eric Edelman Counselor; Co-Chair, Iran Policy Project Former Under Secretary of Defense for Policy and former U.S. Ambassador to Turkey Gen Charles “Chuck” Wald, USAF (ret.) Co-Chair of the Iran Policy Project and Eastern Mediterranean Policy Project, Former