

How Israel and the US Could Cooperate in Fighting the Coronavirus

With the United States still struggling to contain the rapidly increasing number of COVID-19 infections, international exchange of ideas and solutions will be vital to understanding and subduing this virus. Washington should look to one of its strongest allies, Israel,

Hit by coronavirus, drop in oil prices and US sanctions, Iran’s economy heads for free fall By Jackson Richman With the coronavirus pandemic sending oil prices to record lows, for Iran, which relies on oil exports as its top revenue

The recent report of former FBI agent Robert Levinson’s death in Iranian captivity, while not the conclusion of the saga, nevertheless brings a tragic ending to the 13-year effort to see him returned safely to his family and the country

Cruz Says US Cooperation with Israel on COVID-19 Necessary to “Decouple” from China By Aaron Bandler Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) joined Jewish Institute for National Security of America (JINSA) on April 29 to discuss why it was important for the