

President Donald Trump unveiled details of his administration’s long-stalled plan for peace between Israelis and Palestinians on Tuesday, though the proposal’s critics warned before its release it has little chance of success because of its pro-Israel slant. Trump’s plan is intended

Escalation and Deterrence in Syria

The chances of military escalation between Israel and Iran have steadily risen in recent months. Israel has struck Iranian targets in Syria and Iraq; Iran has retaliated, and Russia has done little to actively minimize Iranian presence in Syria while

The conflict between Iran and the U.S. has taken its most significant step into the open. The attack on Iranian General Qassem Soleimani and Iran’s rocket attacks on Iraqi bases that host American troops have brought tensions to a boiling

Lebanon has experienced a wave of mass protests over the last few months unlike anything since the 2005 Cedar Revolution that ended Syria’s 29-year military occupation. These protests have illustrated a rare moment of post-sectarian politics with demonstrators calling for