

Last week marked two years since the United States withdrew from the flawed nuclear agreement with Iran and began reimposing sanctions. While powerful, these economic penalties have not compelled a substantive change in the Islamic Republic’s behavior, which continues threatening

What Challenges are Waiting for Gilad Erdan at the UN, Washington? By Omri Nahmias … Washington: Israel-US defense pact: Just before Israel’s second round of elections, in September 2019, Prime Minister Netanyahu promised to promote a US-Israel defense pact. US

Rolling Back Iran in Iraq

A new government in Iraq may be the kickstart the United States needs to reset its relations with Baghdad and rollback Iranian influence. Iran’s longtime goal has been to undermine America’s regional commitment and provoke U.S. attacks that draw Iraqi

Hit by coronavirus, drop in oil prices and US sanctions, Iran’s economy heads for free fall By Jackson Richman With the coronavirus pandemic sending oil prices to record lows, for Iran, which relies on oil exports as its top revenue