

Virus infects Pentagon weapons plans By Bryan Bender … A call for more stimulus funds: A leading defense trade group echoed the need for more government aid to help soften the blow, our colleague Connor O’Brien reports. “All of that

COVID closed Mexican factories that supply US defense industry. The Pentagon wants them opened. By Joe Gould WASHINGTON ― Factory closures in Mexico due to the coronavirus pandemic are hurting U.S. defense firms, and the Pentagon is urging America’s neighbor

The United States Needs to Keep Maximum Pressure on Iran

Iran has emerged as a regional epicenter of the devastating coronavirus pandemic, with more than 4,000 people reported dead, multiple senior leaders among them. This catastrophic public health emergency, needlessly worsened by Tehran’s negligence, follows months of setbacks for the

How Coronavirus Will Impact the Middle East

The last thing the Middle East needs right now is more troubles. But trouble is coming its way with the coronavirus pandemic. Along with it might come a period of economic, political and social turmoil. This might not be an “Arab Spring 2.0,”