

Israel Lauds Suleimani Assassination, Though With Caution By Isabel Kershner … General Suleimani’s net around Israel spread from the Hezbollah strongholds in Lebanon to the Palestinian coastal territory of Gaza, where he provided support to Hamas and was the main

President Trump Should Worry About Iran’s Military

Killing General Soleimani pushes the United States toward the verge of major conflict with Iran. But in escalation toward war, and in any war itself, Tehran may already hold the upper hand. To understand how, look at the last major

Tom Lantos’s Legacy: A Defense Alliance with the US By: Zalman Shoval The perhaps single most important wish of Tom Lantos, a Holocaust survivor and intermittently either chairman or ranking member of the US House Committee on Foreign Affairs and

It won’t surprise readers of this paper that major war between Israel and Iran is increasingly likely. This directly threatens enduring U.S. interests, yet America’s abrupt drawback in Syria and general inaction against Tehran’s months of provocations only compound the