

Cool Heads Needed in the Fight against Palestinian Terrorism By Maj. Gen. (res.) Yaakov Amidror EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: While there is no doubt that Israel is facing a difficult security situation, the surge in Palestinian violence does not pose any existential

This is Not the Third Intifada By Maj. Gen. (res.) Yaakov Amidror Contrary to what some media reports would have the public believe, the current unrest, troubling as it may be, does not echo past Palestinian uprisings. Israel must opt

Who Really Betrayed the Syrians?

The Islamic State executed a series of devastating attacks in Paris last Friday night. President Obama responded angrily by delivering some effective precision-guided strikes. At the Islamic terrorist organization that murdered 129 and wounded hundreds of others in Paris? Of

JINSA EMP Task Force Report in the Washington Free Beacon

Report: United States Increasingly Vulnerable to Potentially Catastrophic EMP Attack By Daniel Wiser – The Washington Free Beacon The threat of a devastating electromagnetic pulse attack on the United States is increasing just as American infrastructure has become more vulnerable,