

Stick Must Remain an Option to Stop Iran

The Obama administration is sending conflicting signals about how far it is willing to go to prevent Iran from developing nuclear capability. Recently, Vice President Joseph Biden declared, “The United States is determined to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons,

There Will Be Oil

Last month marked a turning point in the United States-Iraq relationship. American influence is waning, while Iraq is taking steps to get on its feet economically. We suffered no combat deaths in December, and continue to reduce our presence, expecting to

Over a Barrel

As the Obama administration prepares to engage Iran diplomatically, sentiment in Congress is rising in support of applying greater pressure on Tehran. The current centerpiece of this strategy is legislation recently introduced by a bipartisan set of congressional leaders to sanction

Much has been made of Israel’s so-called “disproportionate” response to Hamas rocket fire against Israeli civilians. Wags have tried to create a “proportionate” response.