

The Jewish Institute for National Security of America’s (JINSA) Iran Projectile Tracker presents regularly updated charts and graphs on missiles, rockets, drones, and mortars that Iran and its regional proxies have fired at U.S. personnel, partners, and interests in the

Throughout the war with Hamas, the Biden administration repeatedly asked to visit the Gaza Strip to assess the damage the Israeli military was wreaking there and the difficulties in supplying humanitarian aid. The destruction in Gaza, Israeli security sources say,

JINSA Homeland Security Program Inspires Landmark ZAKA/National Sheriffs Association Training Agreement

JINSA’s Homeland Security Program (HSP) played an instrumental role in facilitating the landmark agreement, profiled earlier this month in the Jerusalem Post, between the United States’ National Sheriffs Association and Israel’s ZAKA volunteer emergency response force for ZAKA volunteers to train

On February 4, President Donald Trump met with Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the White House, making Netanyahu the first world leader to meet with Trump since his inauguration. The summit came at a critical juncture for the Middle