
LTC Geoffrey S. Corn, USA (ret.)

LTC Geoffrey S. Corn is a Distinguished Fellow at JINSA’s Gemunder Center and a member of JINSA’s Gaza Assessment and Hybrid Warfare Task Forces. He is the George R. Killam Jr. Chair of Criminal Law at Texas Tech University School of Law. He previously served as the Gary A. Kuiper Distinguished Professor of National Security Law at South Texas College of Law Houston. Prior to joining the South Texas faculty in 2005, Professor Corn served in the U.S. Army for 21 years as an officer, retiring in the rank of Lieutenant Colonel in 2004, and a final year as civilian legal expert on law of war matters. Professor Corn’s teaching and scholarship focuses on the law of armed conflict, national security law, criminal law, and criminal procedure. His Army career included service as the Army’s senior law of war expert advisor, tactical intelligence officer in Panama; supervisory defense counsel for the Western United States; Chief of International Law for US Army Europe; Professor of International and National Security Law at the US Army Judge Advocate General’s School; and Chief Prosecutor for the 101st Airborne Division. He earned is B.A. from Hartwick College in Oneonta, NY, his JD with highest honors from George Washington University, his LLM as the distinguished graduate from the U.S. Army Judge Advocate General’s School. He is also a distinguished military graduate of U.S. Army Officer Candidate School, and a graduate of U.S. Army Command and General Staff Course. Professor Corn has testified as an expert witness at the Military Commission in Guantanamo, the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, and in federal court. He is co-author of The Law of Armed Conflict: An Operational Perspective; The Laws of War and the War on Terror; National Security Law and Policy: Principles and Policy; U.S. Military Operations: Law, Policy, and Practice; National Security Law and the Constitution, and Law in War: A Concise Overview (with K. Watkin and J. Williamson).


The Battle for Legitimacy in Urban Warfare
Correcting the Record on the IDF and Lethal Targeting
Combined Arms Maneuver, Mission Command, and the Challenge of LOAC Implementation
Beware False Moral Equivalence Between Israel and Hamas Militants
War, Legitimacy, and Context in the Middle East
Is Issuing an Arrest Warrant for Israeli Officials a Sound Decision?
Blinken’s careless spin is encouraging terrorists to put more civilians in danger
The War Crime Of Starvation – The Irony Of Grasping At Low Hanging Fruit
Those Who Criticize Israel For Using Indiscriminate or Excessive Force in Gaza Are Wrong
This Is What Happens When the Basic Rules of War Are Ignored
Ground Truth: The Disconnect, Context and Challenges of Israel’s War against Hamas
‘Rules of War’ are Complicated, not only in Gaza
Watch Now: Gaza & The Law of War
The IDF Faces an Enormous Challenge in Gaza | Opinion
The Disproportionate Confusion About Proportionality
The Fallacy of Equality of Condemnation
Iron Dome Is Not Enough to Make Israel Safe
The United States and Iran are in an Armed Conflict, and it is Time to Act Accordingly
War Accountability and the Elusive Objective of Objectivity
LOAC and Legitimacy: When Combat Becomes a Support Effort to Information
New proof that it was Hamas — not Israel — that committed war crimes last May
The Illegitimate Instinct to Delegitimize Israel
President Biden Must Aggressively Push to Reform the UN Human Rights Council
The EU Needs to Fully Designate Hezbollah as a Terrorist Group
What Happens When the Prosecutor Is the War Criminal?
Switzerland’s Universal Jurisdiction Constitutes Legal Overreach
Is There a Values Crisis in US Special Forces? Our National Security Could be at Risk.
The Flawed Human Rights Watch Report on Gaza
Framing Israel: The U.N. Commission of Inquiry on the Spring 2018 Gaza Border Confrontatio...
Hezbollah’s Tunnels Offer Sneak Peek at Looming Major Conflict with Israel
Israel’s Next Northern War: Operational and Legal Challenges
Use of Force at the Gaza Border: A Hybrid Approach to Tactical Challenges
It’s Not Just Israel’s Challenge