Analysis & Commentary

Analysis & Commentary

A Triangular Strategy For The Middle East

After eight years of upheaval, the Middle East might seem incurably unstable, violent, and volatile to Americans. It is no surprise many have had enough of the region. But it also beckons with opportunity for those ambitious enough to capitalize

Gemunder Center Visiting IDF Military Fellow, IDF BG Ram Yavne, was recently interviewed by Malcolm Hoenlein to discuss the threat of the Hezbollah cell on the Golan Heights.

Last month American and U.N. ambassadors toured a Hezbollah attack tunnel stretching from Lebanon into Israel and designed for killing and kidnapping Israelis. These officials saw Hezbollah’s earthworks up close, which is more than can be said for the 10,500 U.N. peacekeepers in Lebanon

Photo Credit: Eliyahu Hershkovitz via Haaretz Politicians, trial lawyers and drafters of reports learn early on that framing an argument is central to the task of persuasion. And so it goes for the report by the U.N. Human Rights Council’s