Analysis & Commentary

Analysis & Commentary

Fifth Fleet’s Task Force 59 Is a Good Start

The United States is stepping up unmanned vehicle operations in the Middle East maritime environment amidst continued escalation from Iran. On September 8, the U.S. Fifth Fleet, based in Bahrain, announced a new initiative, Task Force 59, “to put more

Memo to Progressives: Israel’s Iron Dome Saves Palestinian Lives, Too

Progressives in the House of Representatives stripped $1 billion for Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system from a must-pass continuing resolution to fund the government last week. In so doing, they were putting prejudice and politics above peace and handing

After a series of missteps on the international stage, President Biden might have hoped that, in addressing the United Nations General Assembly, he might reignite the “America is Back” enthusiasm that energized the international community upon his election. Long on rhetoric and

Amb. Yousef Al Otaiba deserves a Nobel Peace Prize

In the coming months, the Norwegian Nobel Committee will collect nominations for recipients of the 2022 Nobel Peace Prize. There is probably no one more deserving of such an honor than Ambassador Yousef Al Otaiba, the UAE ambassador to the