Analysis & Commentary

Analysis & Commentary

The Biden Administration has signaled its desire to resume aid to the Palestinian Authority (PA) as a way to jumpstart the moribund Israeli-Palestinian “peace process.” The obstacle to peace, however, is not the absence of U.S. assistance but the PA’s

The last thing the Biden administration and Congress need is another challenge. But unless they can proactively start countering calls from the Democrats’ progressive wing to condition longstanding military assistance to Israel, the United States risks undermining its interests in

The administration of U.S. President Joe Biden will find that Iran is not the only constraint on its options as it seeks a negotiated return to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, or JCPOA. The administration will also find its

America’s partnerships in the Middle East continue to be its greatest strategic asset. With U.S. leaders placing greater emphasis on strategic competition with China and Russia, these relationships will only become more important to defending America’s enduring interests in the