Analysis & Commentary

Analysis & Commentary

John Hannah is a Senior Fellow at JINSA’s Gemunder Center for Defense and Strategy.

Biden’s Iran Deal and the Politics of Desperation

There is a cardinal rule in negotiations that taps into our most basic sensibilities: A bad deal is worse than no deal. As the Biden team prepares to lift key sanctions on Iran to facilitate an American re-entry into the

The Truth about the Sheikh Jarrah Eviction

The east Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah has become the latest flashpoint in the Arab–Israeli conflict, sparking the very tension that Hamas seeks to exploit for its own political advantage. Several Palestinian-Arab families living in Sheikh Jarrah face eviction from

The tradition of assessing presidential administrations at the 100 day mark is homage to FDR and the power of the presidency to combat the Great Depression. It is totally arbitrary, of course, and in many ways has become a lazy