Analysis & Commentary

Analysis & Commentary

Calls for conditioning aid to Israel have gained momentum since Israel proposed—but postponed—extending sovereignty to parts of the West Bank this summer. However, placing additional restrictions on those funds would strain America’s most critical security relationship in the Middle East

Biden Administration Must Counter Iranian Terrorism

Slovenia recently joined a growing band of European governments that have fully recognized Iran’s foremost proxy group, Hezbollah, as a terrorist organization. The designation – the latest announced by a member of the European Union, which currently only partially bans

Israel is widely suspected of orchestrating the recent assassination of Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, an Iranian brigadier general and scientist believed to have founded the regime’s covert nuclear weapons program. If true, the incident once again demonstrates Israel’s willingness to use force

U.S. Should Strengthen Gulf State Partners, Vital to Stability in the Middle East

Last Wednesday, the Senate voted down legislation aimed at stopping the sale of advanced offensive weapons to the United Arab Emirates. Washington can and should do more. As Iran proliferates advanced long-range weaponry and its proxies launch short-range attacks, the