Analysis & Commentary

Analysis & Commentary

In meeting with President Trump last month in Washington, Prime Minister Mitsotakis remarked how the U.S.-Greece relationship “is the best it ever was. But it can become even better.” Diplomatic niceties aside, this reflects real accomplishments by leaders from both

The ICC prosecutor’s recommendation to prosecute Israeli and Palestinians for war crimes allegedly committed in Gaza and the West Bank distorts international law and undermines the purpose of the ICC. The prosecutor for the International Criminal Court (ICC) is exploiting

U.S. President Donald Trump recently remarked that his foremost priority regarding Iran is preventing its regime from acquiring a nuclear weapon. Refocusing attention on Tehran’s nuclear program is critical given its announcement that it will exceed the limits on how

Over the past decade, we’ve seen great power jockeying return to the Eastern Mediterranean with China using its deep pockets to secure influence with key U.S. allies as a means to further its global ambitions and adversely impact the United