National Security Briefs

National Security Briefs

Egypt Must Do More to Aid Gazans

Especially in the context of a pending Israeli military operation to destroy Hamas’s last battalions in Rafah, U.S.-led efforts to surge aid supplies into Gaza by air and sea may mitigate, but will likely not avert, the Strip’s worsening descent

Recent reports show that Iranian terror groups and proliferation agents are using banks in Europe to facilitate illicit transactions. New JINSA research reveals that a network of at least 15 branches of U.S.-sanctioned Iranian banks are operating across Europe, holding

Egypt-Gaza Tunnels Pose Threat to Israel’s War Aims

Though Egypt has claimed to have destroyed all cross-border tunnels between Gaza and Egypt, the sizable number of remaining cross-border tunnels—estimated by Israeli officials to be at least 12—continue to pose a security threat to Israelis and Palestinians alike, threatening

On at least 4 days in the last week of February and first week of March, terrorists in Lebanon fired barrages of over 30 rockets at Israel. Hezbollah also killed one civilian, and injured nine others, with an anti-tank missile