National Security Briefs

National Security Briefs

Iran Nuclear Talks Update 12/22

Author Andrew Ghalili – Senior Policy Analyst  Negotiation Status: PAUSED (No Progress) Nuclear negotiations between the United States and Iran remain at a standstill as Iranian officials continue to push for restarting talks. Though U.S. officials have consistently said for months

Iran Nuclear Talks Update 11/14

Author Andrew Ghalili – Senior Policy Analyst Negotiation Status: PAUSED (No Progress Made) Nuclear negotiations between the United States and Iran have been stagnant for several months as the Islamic Republic has been preoccupied with brutally repressing the Iranian citizens protesting

Keeping Russia Out of Alexandroupolis

The Greek government’s abrupt cancellation of U.S.-backed bids to privatize the strategic port of Alexandroupolis raises concerns about possible Russian interference, and threatens to undermine American, trans-Atlantic, and broader interests in expanding the port’s capacity. Given the high potential of

The Expanding Russia-Iran Arms Nexus

After deploying Iranian-made unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to devastating effect against Ukraine, Russia is now set to purchase Iranian short-range ballistic missiles—demonstrating growing ties between these two U.S. adversaries. Russia is currently the largest operator of Iranian UAVs anywhere, increasingly