

Iran Summary – June 2022

About the Iran Summary: The Jewish Institute for National Security of America’s (JINSA) Gemunder Center produces a monthly tracker providing timely information and graphics illustrating Iran’s aggressive and destabilizing activities. June 2022 Summary: While the brief resumption of nuclear talks

Will Biden Seize His Middle East Moment?

In the case of President Joe Biden’s Middle East policy, it turns out that it is better to be lucky than good. Despite the fact that his major policy initiatives in the region have largely come to naught, the geopolitical

Images of Russia’s unrestrained brutality in its war against Ukraine evoke visceral and instinctive condemnation. They offer the world deeply troubling visual evidence of the worst of humanity that results from unleashing ill-disciplined armed forces fighting on behalf of a

Anti-Israeli bias and antisemitism are nothing new at the United Nations. However, a new report blaming Israel as the root cause of conflict in the Middle East is not just prejudiced, but pernicious, different and will have lasting consequences for Israel and