

Arming Ukraine enjoys overwhelming bipartisan support in Washington. But the United States should not stop there. Instead, President Biden and Congress should transform their Ukraine policy into a global strategy — America should become an armory against aggression. Last Thursday,

The Ukraine War’s Nuclear Fallout

Among the most perilous consequences of the war in Ukraine will almost certainly be the increased value placed on nuclear weapons—both by countries bent on wars of conquest and those seeking to deter them. Ukraine’s decision in 1994 to surrender the nuclear

Iran Nuclear Talks Update 4/28

Talks remain paused as Iran continues to demand that the United States lift the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps’ (IRGC) Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) designation, though Iranian and European officials appear eager to resume negotiations. Recent comments from Iranian officials suggest

Iran Nuclear Talks Update 4/25

Nuclear negotiations with Iran have been stalled since early March, with the final outstanding issue reportedly being Tehran’s demand that the United States lift its Foreign Terrorism Organization (FTO) designation against the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). Recent reports suggest