

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is rapidly heightening the strategic importance of Greece and its security partnership with the United States, which already has made great strides in recent years. A case in point is the port of Alexandroupolis on the

Iran appears to have declared open season on U.S. citizens that it doesn’t like. The Aug. 12 stabbing of the author, Salman Rushdie, in Upstate New York was just the latest in a string of recent attempts targeting Americans known to be on Iran’s

Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and rocket attacks targeted American forces in Syria on August 15, shortly after Israeli airstrikes against Syrian and Iranian positions in Tartus and Damascus. If conducted by Iranian-backed groups, as is likely the case, the strikes

Negotiation Status: PAUSED Talks should be over and the deal should be dead—but negotiations could soon be reopened, yet again. The EU set August 15 as the deadline for Iran to approve its final nuclear deal text, saying that there