

Iran-Backed Missile and Drone Strikes

Earlier this week, Iran’s Houthi proxies in Yemen escalated their ongoing missile and drone offensive against Saudi Arabia by targeting one of the world’s major oil export terminals. This is part of a larger Iranian strategy to exert regional dominance

Report: Returning to original 2015 Iran nuclear deal would be ‘nearly impossible’ A new report by the Jewish Institute for National Security of America (JINSA) details how it would nearly impossible both politically and technically for the Biden administration to return to

Featuring: Amb. Eric Edelman Co-Chair, JINSA’s Iran Policy Project; Counselor, JINSA Gemunder Center Hon. Stephen Rademaker Member, JINSA’s Iran Policy Project; Senior Advisor, JINSA Gemunder Center Jonathan Ruhe JINSA Vice President for Policy

Aggression by Iran and its regional proxies continues to escalate along multiple lines of effort with a March 3, 2021 attack on U.S. forces at Al Asad Air Base in Iraq and several alleged attacks against Israel and Saudi Arabia.