

Israel: Lebanon Border Clash Follows JCS Chairman Visit By: Arie Egozi TEL AVIV: Israeli artillery bombarded a Hezbollah unit approaching the Lebanese border around 4pm local time (9am Eastern) today, while Iran reportedly prepared for live-fire wargames in the Gulf against a

With nearly a dozen explosive incidents occurring across Iran in the past three weeks—including one at a prominent nuclear facility in Natanz—renewed questions have emerged regarding Tehran’s nuclear enrichment activities. Iranian hesitance to retaliate may be due to its fear

The US Needs to Take Action to Deter Near-Peer Rivals in Space

Earlier this June, the Department of Defense released the unclassified summary of its 2020 Defense Space Strategy, which openly designates space as a “distinct warfighting domain,” a distinction that only recently gained national policy acceptance. With this document, the DoD now

More than 1,000 senior US police officers have visited Israel. Here’s what they learn from Israel’s police force – and why it’s controversial. By Ben Sales In June, as protests against aggressive and abusive policing in the United States took