

JINSA Director of Foreign Policy Jonathan Ruhe on Capitol Report (2.4.25)

Jonathan Ruhe, Director of Foreign Policy at the Jewish Institute for National Security of America, discussed Donald Trump’s remarks after meeting Tuesday with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the challenges of reconstruction of Gaza, and Trump’s executive order reinstating a

JINSA Fellow Gabriel Noronha on the Guy Benson Show (2.3.25)

 JINSA Fellow Gabriel Noronha joined the Guy Benson Show to discuss the nuclear threat from Iran and how Israel’s recent military success and the return of President Trump has at long last focused Washington on dealing with this threat once

It’s a trap. President Donald Trump loves making deals but there is no deal to be had with Iran on its nuclear program, just dead-end negotiations. Instead, when Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visits Washington this week, the deal he should make is with

JINSA President and CEO Michael Makovsky on LiveNOW from Fox (2.3.25)

Michael Makovsky, PhD, President and CEO of JINSA, joined LiveNOW from FOX to talk about Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s visit to the White House and Middle East policy priorities in the Trump administration.