

The Palestinian Authority cannot govern Gaza

Society cannot accept any arrangement installing PA rule over Gaza due to the sheer laziness or willful blindness of Western leaders, as the PA fosters, funds, and furthers violence. It is a maxim among policymakers that there are no good

Hamed Esmaeilion has to watch his back wherever he goes — unable to escape the oppressive and violent regime that rules his homeland of Iran, even when he’s in Canada. When he first arrived in 2010 with his wife Parisa

Is Washington Doing Enough To Pressure Arab Allies Over Hamas?

It could take Israeli forces months to seize complete control over Gaza City, the Hamas stronghold that is now surrounded by troops and armor, as they push to root out militants scattered across the urban battleground. Even as the president

On October 7, Hamas launched an unprovoked and unprecedented multi-pronged attack on Israel by land, air, and sea. JINSA has launched a webpage dedicated to its commentary, webinars, and media coverage about Israel at War. An update with the latest