Press Coverage

Press Coverage

U.S., Israel Should Begin Thinking About Next MOU, Analysts Say

The current 10-year, $38 billion Memorandum of Understanding between the U.S. and Israel, which provides $3.8 billion in military aid and missile-defense funding to Israel annually, is set to run out in 2028. But some policy analysts say that now

“The Middle East is experiencing a turning point,” explained Blaise Misztal in an interview with Maariv regarding the US policy for the region under US President Donald Trump. Misztal, who previously served as a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute and as the

Trump Must Not Repeat His Kim Jong Un Mistake With Iran, Security Expert Warns

President Donald Trump’s revelation this week that he wants to negotiate with Iran raised eyebrows in the security sector. A former national security advisor cautioned the president against forming a Kim Jong Un-type relationship with the Ayatollah. Trump has described

Throughout the war with Hamas, the Biden administration repeatedly asked to visit the Gaza Strip to assess the damage the Israeli military was wreaking there and the difficulties in supplying humanitarian aid. The destruction in Gaza, Israeli security sources say,